e d i c i n a l P r o p e r t i e s o f G
i n s e n g
recent years Western culture has become increasingly
interested in aspects of oriental culture and medicine.
Along with the adoption of such Eastern medical practices as
acupuncture and imaging, many North Americans have been won
over to the healing effects of the ginseng root. It is being
taken as a tonic to enhance vitality, to increase stamina
and to build up resistance to the psychological and physical
stresses of modern life. The curative powers of ginseng are
unique in the way they affect the whole body. According to
ancient Chinese doctrines, a plant part that resembles a
human body part will have a therapeutic value in that
location. That the ginseng root resembles the entire human
form indicates its use as a restorative that will bring the
body into harmony. This harmony, expressed as the Chinese
philosophy of yin and yang, is held to be essential to a
healthy body and a peaceful spirit.
medicine evaluates the effectiveness of ginseng in a
different but complementary way. The active ingredients in
ginseng are complex carbohydrates called saponins or
ginsenosides. Individual ginsenosides appear to have
separate effects. Whereas one particular ginsenoside
stimulates the central nervous system, another may sedate
the central nervous system. Other ginsenosides produce such
effects as balancing metabolic processes, decreasing blood
sugar, improving muscle tone, stimulating the endocrine
system and maintaining proper hormone levels. Research has
even shown that ginseng is effective in maintaining and even
restoring the cell's capacity to function and therefore may
reduce a number of symptoms of old-age.
research into the effects of ginseng is ongoing, Dr. I.I.
Brekham, a pioneer in ginseng research, has come to the
following conclusions after twenty-five years of
Ginseng stimulates physical and mental activity especially
in tired or weak patients.
Ginseng defends the human system from the effects of
prolonged physical strain.
Ginseng acts as a mental stimulant without the side effects
of other stimulants.
Ginseng stimulates the endocrine glands, including the sex
American ginseng has a greater concentration of ginsenosides
in its root than the Asian ginseng and may therefore be even
more potent.